Sunday, July 4, 2010

Worthington Hills 4th of July Parade

OESR participated in the 4th of July Parade for Worthington Hills and put the call out for all local English Setters. Close to 15 setters and their owners answered and decended on this beautiful tight-knit community with starred collars and flag bandannas. Of course, Pokey HAD to attend! Carter participated in the parade in 2009 and adored the attention; there was no way he would miss it either! Pokey met many of his fans and got cooed and ahhhed over for a full 45 minutes before the parade started. By the time we got in line, he was already looking a little tired. The parade route is only about a mile long but with temperatures soaring into the 90's and the high humidity, our poor little pup didn't make it far before he was lagging behind. Although he was enjoying the attention and pets from the various spectators, he gladly took his place in the "Kissing Booth" wagon and was pulled along for the rest of the parade route, accompanied by a rising chorus of "awww"s from the audience.


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